14 Bücher von John Piper können derzeit im PDF-, ePub oder Mobi-Format heruntergeladen werden (ePub ist Standard für eReader, Mobi für Kindle). Desiring God schreibt dazu:
Twenty percent of all the books sold last year were electronic, says the latest report from Bookstats. This simply means that ebooks are still on the rise. More and more users like to carry their libraries in their hands. And this matters for the mission of Desiring God.
Though it won’t replace good old-fashioned books, the upward trend of ebooks has created a new platform for us to spread our message — that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.
Over the past year we’ve created 14 new titles exclusively released as ebooks, all free, available in three different file formats to fit whichever mobile device you use. They have included specially curated content from John Piper on particular topics, reformatted single messages, combined articles from leading pastors, and foundational teaching from Piper’s corpus, along with introductory sections written entirely new. The topics range from how to listen to sermons to advice on marriage to the influence of C.S. Lewis. http://www.desiringgod.org/blog/posts/14-free-ebooks-for-you http://www.theoblog.de/john-piper-14-bucher-gratis/20779/
Alexander Rempel
Danke Joschie, für den Hinweis. Diesen Tipp hatte ich für heute geplant :-).
14 Bücher von John Piper können derzeit im PDF-, ePub oder Mobi-Format heruntergeladen werden (ePub ist Standard für eReader, Mobi für Kindle). Desiring God schreibt dazu:
Twenty percent of all the books sold last year were electronic, says the latest report from Bookstats. This simply means that ebooks are still on the rise. More and more users like to carry their libraries in their hands. And this matters for the mission of Desiring God.
Though it won’t replace good old-fashioned books, the upward trend of ebooks has created a new platform for us to spread our message — that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.
Over the past year we’ve created 14 new titles exclusively released as ebooks, all free, available in three different file formats to fit whichever mobile device you use. They have included specially curated content from John Piper on particular topics, reformatted single messages, combined articles from leading pastors, and foundational teaching from Piper’s corpus, along with introductory sections written entirely new. The topics range from how to listen to sermons to advice on marriage to the influence of C.S. Lewis.
Danke Joschie, für den Hinweis. Diesen Tipp hatte ich für heute geplant :-).